Can You Get a Restraining Order After Online Dating?

Online dating apps are very common in the modern world, especially among the younger generations. One of the issues with this type of dating is that it can be very “hit-or-miss.” While you might be able to forget bad dates within a few weeks, other dates may cause more serious issues. What happens if someone starts stalking you after a single date? What if you never actually meet them, but they begin “cyberstalking” you instead? Can you get a restraining order in Georgia under these circumstances?
Dating Violence Restraining Orders in Georgia
Even if you never married or lived in the same household with someone, you can still get a restraining order against them in Georgia. One option is to pursue a Dating Violence Temporary Protective Order. As the name implies, this type of restraining order applies to dating relationships. In order to file a Dating Violence Protective Order, you must either be (1) currently in a committed romantic relationship with the other party, or (2) you and the other party are not currently in a committed romantic relationship but were within the last twelve (12) months. Additionally, there must be an incident of violence, threats against your life, criminal damage to your property, unlawful restraint, criminal trespass, or stalking.
Even if you went on a single date with an individual who subsequently began to stalk or harass you, a dating violence protective order may be possible. The court may consider various factors when determining whether you had a “dating relationship” with the abuser. These factors might include your text messages, any evidence of bonding between the two of you, and the nature of your interactions.
The length of your relationship could also be a factor, and a court may determine that a single date is not sufficient to meet the definition of a “dating relationship.” That being said, your family law attorney in Georgia may be able to push back on your behalf.
You Can Also Get a Restraining Order for Cyberstalking in Georgia
Even if you never actually meet the individual in person, you could still obtain a cyberstalking restraining order in Georgia.
For example, you might have matched with someone via an online dating profile. If this individual starts obsessively stalking you online with messages and other forms of harassment, you could potentially report them for cyberstalking. This could lead to a restraining order – even if you never met the individual.
If you are concerned about your own safety, it makes more sense to call 911 first and foremost. You can book a consultation with a restraining order lawyer after you get to safety.
Find an Experienced Restraining Order Lawyer in Atlanta
If you’ve been searching for an experienced family lawyer in Atlanta, look no further than Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French. We know how dangerous dating can be in the modern era. Even if you went on a single date with a person, you may be able to pursue a restraining order against them. Book your consultation today to learn more about your legal options.