How to Strategically Move Homes During a Custody Battle in Atlanta

When going through a divorce in Atlanta, you might find it necessary to leave the family home. Separation often requires at least one spouse to move out, you may have left simply to expedite the divorce proceedings. Before you choose a new residence, you might want to think about how this choice could affect child custody. By planning your move strategically, you could position yourself with potential advantages in child custody proceedings.
The Distance Between Family Homes Is an Important Factor
Family courts in Georgia may consider various factors when making decisions about child custody. One of these factors is the geographic distance between family homes, and this may be more important than many families realize. If you’re searching for a new home after separating from your ex, you might want to choose a residence close to your former home.
How far is too far in the eyes of the family court? There is no specific rule on this subject. A judge may feel that back-and-forth trips between family homes would place too much stress on the children in this situation. The worst-case scenario? Moving too far away from the family home could result in you spending less time with your children.
Choosing a Home in the Best Possible Neighborhood
That being said, you might gain an advantage if you choose a home in the right neighborhood. For example, you might choose a family home across the street from your child’s school. In this situation, the court may conclude that it is in the child’s best interests to stay at your home throughout the week – purely for logistical reasons.
You might also choose a home close to a community center where your child plays sports, attends dance classes, or engages in other after-school activities.
For a truly strategic approach, carefully consider your child’s unique needs. Do they have a learning disability? Is there a school with a specialized program that could help? If so, it might make more sense to choose a new home close to this school. Close proximity to the child’s school could strengthen your argument that the child should stay with you most of the week in order to benefit from this specialized program.
Perhaps your child has a health condition of some kind and needs to attend regular appointments at a specific healthcare facility. If this is the case, consider choosing a new residence nearby the facility – as this may also provide you with a strategic advantage during custody proceedings.
Can a Custody Lawyer in Atlanta Help?
A custody lawyer in Atlanta may be able to provide effective guidance as you choose your new residence during divorce. While there are many factors to consider, the most effective choice probably depends on your unique circumstances. An online article cannot offer targeted legal advice – but a lawyer can. To continue this discussion in more detail, consider scheduling a consultation with Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French today.