Sleep Divorce: Is It a Pointless Trend or a Legitimate Form of Marriage Therapy?

According to a recent study, over 50 percent of couples in Georgia engage in something called “sleep divorce.” The concept is quite simple: Instead of breaking up or divorcing, couples simply decide to sleep in different rooms. It might seem straightforward, but does it actually work? Does it help fix marriages that are on thin ice, or is it simply delaying the inevitable?
What Is Sleep Divorce?
Sleep divorce is the simple act of sleeping apart. For many, it is an obvious way to settle a dispute. Many spouses do this voluntarily, while others are unceremoniously ejected from their marital beds and delegated to the couch. In many cases, it is a completely temporary measure that lasts only a few days. For others, it may drag on for months, weeks, or even years. Sometimes, it becomes an accepted part of the couple’s life.
Is Sleep Divorce Normal?
Most people can agree that sleep divorce isn’t exactly ideal. Multiple studies have established a clear link between relationship strength and sleeping in the same bed. Even if couples are no longer intimate, sleeping in close proximity has demonstrable benefits. Many spouses agree that when they stop sleeping in the same bed, something crucial in the marriage is lost.
Why Might Sleep Divorce Be Necessary?
Sometimes, sleep divorce is a necessity rather than something spouses actually choose. For example, one spouse might have a serious snoring problem, making it impossible for the other to sleep in the same room (or even on the same floor). Work schedules might also make sleeping in the same bed completely untenable – especially in the context of night shifts.
Georgia Has More Sleep Divorce than Any Other State
According to the recent survey, Georgia has more sleep divorcees than any other state. It is also the only state where the majority of respondents admitted to sleeping in different rooms than with their spouses. As it turns out, sleep divorce may be more common than many people realize – and it’s not always a sign of problems. However, there are undoubtedly numerous situations in which sleep divorce is simply an attempt to avoid the inevitable deterioration of a marriage. Sometimes, it makes more sense to simply bite the bullet, file for a divorce, and live in different households rather than different rooms.
Find a Divorce Lawyer in Georgia
Although sleep divorce is an interesting phenomenon, many couples in Georgia quickly learn that it does not provide any real results. Instead, it merely delays the inevitable. Ultimately, some couples must accept the need for divorce. Taking that first step toward the dissolution of marriage might seem difficult, but it might lead to notable benefits. Perhaps most importantly, a divorce can lead to a welcome sense of relief – and a good night’s sleep. Reach out to Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French today and work with a qualified Atlanta divorce lawyer to learn more.