Steps To Take Before You File For Divorce

When you are considering the possibility of filing for divorce in Georgia, it is critical to take a number of steps before you actually file your petition for divorce under Georgia law. Even if you are currently in a marriage in which both you and your spouse agree that the relationship is not working and that you want to divorce, you should take steps in advance to protect yourself and your interests. Our experienced Atlanta divorce attorneys can speak with you today about planning for your divorce. In the meantime, the following are some essential steps you should consider to put yourself in the best possible position when you do file your divorce petition.
First, to best prepare for your divorce, you should get in touch with an experienced Atlanta divorce attorney. Schedule a meeting, whether in person, on the phone or over Zoom, with your attorney. Prepare questions that you have in advance so that you can use your time wisely. Take notes while you are meeting with your attorney – you will often hear lots of information that you may want to remember after the meeting. Although it may be uncomfortable to talk to a lawyer about something so personal as your marriage, please know that the more information we have, the better advice and counsel we can give. We respect your privacy and value your trust in us.
Even if you believe your divorce will be amicable (meaning that both parties want the divorce and no litigation will be involved), you still need to do your homework to ensure you feel comfortable with the finances and other aspects of your settlement. For example, gather all of the information you can on assets (bank accounts, real property, investments, retirement, etc.) and liabilities (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.), as well as income (Paystubs, W2s, tax returns). Be organized with the information because the more organized you are, the less work your attorney has to do to get you organized, which will save you money.
Consider preparing a budget. We ask the overwhelming majority of our clients to prepare a budget – it helps them examine what the currently spend and what they may expect to have available to spend in the future. Understandably, a divorce has an impact on both parties’ finances. Knowing your monthly expenditures will help you understand more about your finances, what you are able to afford after the divorce, what might be important to you financially after the divorce, etc.
Contact Our Atlanta Divorce Lawyers
Do you have questions about the steps to take before you get divorced? You should get in touch with an Atlanta divorce lawyer as soon as possible. Contact Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French today for more information.