What Should I Do During the 31-Day Cooling Off Period in Georgia?

Although you might want to resolve your divorce quickly, Georgia requires you to wait 31 days before scheduling a final divorce hearing. This can be frustrating for many spouses who want to move forward with their lives. While this 31-day period might be unavoidable, you can remain productive while you wait.
Think About Reconciliation
States enforce cooling-off periods to give couples a chance to reconsider. Reconciliation is still possible during this period, and you might want to consider it. Sometimes, a few weeks apart helps spouses put things into perspective. If the marriage is obviously not working, reconciliation may be completely out of the question.
Engage in Settlement Negotiations
While you wait for the 31 days to pass, you can engage in mediation. As a first step, you might want to meet with your spouse and talk about how you’d like to handle the divorce. If you are on relatively amicable terms, these discussions can be productive. You should discuss topics such as child custody, property division, child support, and spousal support.
After these initial discussions, you can work with family law attorneys to start drafting a separation agreement. Lawyers can draft this document in an efficient, accurate manner. They can also help you avoid common mistakes and ensure your separation agreement is legally valid.
If you encounter disputes with your spouse, your lawyers can help resolve them. For example, you might disagree on how to divide the family home. Your lawyer can suggest compromises and alternative resolutions, allowing you to avoid going to court.
Contact a Divorce Lawyer in Georgia
If you’re going through the 31-day waiting period for a Georgia divorce, this is an excellent time to book a consultation with an experienced family law attorney in Atlanta. During this first meeting, you can discuss your divorce in more detail and start planning your next steps. Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French can provide targeted guidance, allowing you to remain productive before your final divorce hearing. Reach out today to get started.