Who Should I Tell About My Divorce in Atlanta?

Divorce is one of the most difficult transitions anyone can face. While some individuals find comfort in sharing their thoughts and feelings with others, some people may prefer to process their emotions privately. Whatever your approach, it is important to think carefully before speaking with others about your divorce. This could prove detrimental in some situations, and you might want to speak with an Atlanta divorce lawyer before speaking out.
Avoid Social Media Entirely
Although it might be tempting to describe your experiences on social media, these posts could prove harmful. It is all too easy to say the wrong thing, and certain comments could be detrimental from a legal perspective. Even if you delete a post, it may still exist on the internet or in the hands of your ex-spouse and their legal team. Screenshots can preserve messages, and these records may be used as evidence in disputes over child custody, alimony, or asset division.
Many spouses accuse their exes of misconduct on social media. These accusations are not helpful, and they could affect child custody. If you believe your ex engaged in misconduct during the marriage, save these accusations for the courtroom or the negotiation table. If you make allegations without supporting evidence or going through the proper legal channels, they could backfire.
The same logic applies to virtually all social media posts during divorce. You might mistakenly post a picture of yourself playing sports, and this may inadvertently harm an alimony claim where you allege you cannot work due to a disability. Perhaps you bragged about your new cryptocurrency investment on social media. Sharing images of a luxury vacation or a new investment may impact financial negotiations. To avoid unforeseen problems, it makes sense to simply take a break from social media until your divorce is over.
Consider Any Non-Disclosure Agreements Before Speaking Out
You might also want to consider a non-disclosure or confidentiality agreement before speaking out about your divorce. Spouses often sign these agreements before engaging in mediation or collaborative law. If you breach your confidentiality agreement and reveal the details of your private negotiations, you could face financial penalties and other consequences.
Avoid Speaking Negatively About Your Ex in Front of Your Children
Even in private, it makes sense to avoid speaking negatively about your ex. Your children may overhear these comments, even if you’re talking with a close friend or relative. Courts may interpret these comments as a form of “parental alienation,” and they may affect your upcoming custody battle.
You Can Always Speak With Your Atlanta Divorce Lawyer
Although it may be unwise to speak out about your divorce, you should never hesitate to discuss this subject with your Atlanta family law attorney. All discussions with your lawyer will remain confidential, and your lawyer cannot repeat anything you say in private. More importantly, your lawyer can provide helpful advice as you navigate your divorce. To begin this discussion, contact Kaye, Lembeck Hitt & French today.